Midiendo el Comercio Global — ¿Tenemos los números correctos?

Foro Mundial sobre estadísticas de comercio Midiendo el comercio global — ¿Tenemos los números correctos?

Los estadísticos del comercio en tSodo el mundo trabajan incansablemente para calcular las cifras correctas, pero ¿estamos utilizando los datos aSdecuados? Este es el tema general de este Foro mundial: —Midiendo el comercio global — ¿Tenemos los números correctos?”, organizado conjuntamente por la División de Estadística de las Naciones Unidas (UNSD) y la Oficina Estadística de las Comunidades Europeas (EUROSTAT) con la colaboración de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) y la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo (UNCTAD).

> Noticia

Ver también:
> Mas Información sobre los estudios y análisis económicos
> Mas Información sobre las estadísticas del comercio internacional

> Más información sobre la OMC y las Naciones Unidas





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(solamente en inglés)


Wednesday 2 February 2011

  Morning session: 9.30 am – 12.30 pm
Measuring Global Trade — Do we have the right numbers?

Chairperson: Mr. Walter Radermacher, Eurostat, European Commission

Audio > ayuda   


Opening Session
Opening statement

Mr. Alejandro Jara, Deputy Director General of the World Trade Organization
> Paper
Audio > ayuda   

Video Message

Mr. Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development of the United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs
Audio > ayuda   

Keynote Speech

Mr. Supachai Panitchpakdi, Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Audio > ayuda   


Panel Discussion

  • Moderator Mr. Walter Radermacher Director General, EUROSTAT, European Commission

  • Panelists:
    Mr. Enrico Giovannini,Chief Statistician, Italy
    Mr. Aaron Sydor, Deputy Chief Economist, Canada
    Prof. Gary Gereffi, Professor of Sociology, Duke University

    Mr. Hubert Escaith Chief Statistician, World Trade Organization
    Mr. Henri Laurencin, Chief of Globalisation and Development Statistics Branch, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
    Mr. Ronald Jansen, Chief of Trade Statistics Branch, United Nations Statistics Division/ DESA


Audio: Panel discussion > ayuda   

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  Afternoon session 14.30 pm — 17.30 pm
Implementing the improved methodological guidelines

Chairperson: Mr. Ronald Jansen, Chief of Trade Statistics Branch, United Nations Statistics Division/ DESA


4.   Implementation of the new international recommendations (Agenda items 4 a, b and c)


a.   New recommendations of international merchandise trade statistics (IMTS 2010) and the compilation guidance
Mr. Matthias Reister, Chief of International Merchandise Trade Statistics Section, United Nations Statistics Division/ DESA

b.   New recommendations of statistics of international trade in service (MSITS 2010) and the compilation guidance
Mrs. Bettina Wistrom, International Trade in Goods and Services, Trade and Business Statistics (TBS) Division, Statistics Directorate, OECD

c.   The latest EU Regulations on Trade Statistics and their relations to the international recommendations
Ms. Valdone Kasperiuniene, Head of International Trade Statistics Section, Statistical Office of the European Union, EUROSTAT


Audio: Afternoon session (part1) > ayuda   


d.   Country perspective on adjusting to the new recommendations (Agenda item 4d)
Mr. Leif Korbel, Head of International Trade Statistics Division, Statistics Norway

Ms. Anita Bany, Director of the Foreign Trade Statistics Department, Hungarian Central Statistical Office

Mr. Zainuddin Bin Ahmad, Director of the External Trade Statistics Division, Department of Statistics, Malaysia
Mr. Zainol Jamil, Principal Assistant Director, Balance of Payments Statistics Division, Department of Statistics, Malaysia
Ms. Yijin Zhang, Statistics Division, Department of Trade in Services, Ministry of Commerce, China

  17.00 -17:30

General Discussion on implementation of the new recommendations


Audio: Afternoon session (part2) > ayuda   

  • Relevant background documents
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Thursday 3 February 2011

  Morning session: 9.30 am – 12.30 pm
Data sources

Chairperson: Mr. Andreas Lindner, Head, International Trade in Goods and Services, Trade and Business Statistics Division, Statistics Directorate, OECD

5. Compilation of international merchandise trade statistics: Future of customs recording and seizing the potential of non-customs administrative sources and enterprise surveys (Agenda item 5a)


Ms. Sandra Tudor, Head of External Trade Statistics Division, HM Revenue & Customs, United Kingdom
Mr. Roland Boudreau, Director, International Trade Statistics Division, Statistics Canada
Mr. Houssaine Ouljour, Head of Methodologies and Statistical Surveys unit, Foreign Exchange Office, Morocco
Ms. Estela de Guzman, Director of Trade and Industry Statistics Department, Philippine National Statistics Office

  10:30 -10:45

General Discussion on IMTS data sources


Audio: Morning session (part 1) > ayuda   



b.  Compilation of statistics of international trade in services: Future of ITRS and enterprise surveys (Agenda item 5b)
Mr. Jose Antonio Isanta, Head of International Trade in Services, Business Statistics Directorate, National Institute of Statistics, Spain
Ms. Thi Quynh Loi Pham, Senior Statistician of Trade and Services Statistics Department, General Statistics Office, Viet Nam
Ms. Ka-lin Karen Chan, Assistant Commissioner for Census and Statistics, Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China

  12:10 -12:30

General Discussion on SITS data sources


Audio: Morning session (part 2) > ayuda   

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  Afternoon session 14.30 pm — 17.30 pm
Global Manufacturing and Outsourcing of Business Functions
(Agenda item 6)

Chairperson: Mr. Hubert Escaith, Chief Statistician, World Trade Organization

Opening remarks

Mr. Pascal Lamy, Director General of the World Trade Organization
Audio > ayuda   



Global Manufacturing and the Global Value Chain approach
Dr. Timothy Sturgeon, Affiliated Researcher, Industrial Performance Centre, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


International Sourcing of Business Functions
Mr Peter Boegh Nielsen, Head of the Division for Structural Business Statistics, Statistics on Globalisation, Information Society, R&D and Innovation, Statistics Denmark


Goods for processing: Iceland experience
Ms. Audur Svavarsdottir, Head of External Trade unit, Statistics Iceland
Goods for processing: China experience
Ms. Jin Hongman, Chief of Statistics Division, Statistics Department, General Customs Administration, China

The Handbook on the Impact of Globalisation on National Accounts
Ms. Tihomira Dimova, Senior Statistician, Economic Statistics Section, UNECE


Audio: Afternoon session (part 1) > ayuda   

  16:15-17:15 Multi-National Enterprises and Foreign Affiliates (Agenda item 6c)
Mr. Szymon Bielecki, Senior Statistician, Foreign Affiliate Statistics Division, Statistical Office of the European Union, EUROSTAT
Mr. René Dell’Mour, Senior Expert, External Statistics and Financial Accounts Division, Austrian Central Bank
Ms. Angsupalee Wacharakiat, Team Executive, Balance of Payments Statistics Team, Data Management Department, Bank of Thailand
Mr. Michael Hanni, Economist, Division on Investment and Enterprise, UNCTAD
  17:15 -17:30

General Discussion on Global Manufacturing, MNEs and Foreign Affiliates


Audio: Afternoon session (part 2) > ayuda   

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Friday 4 February 2011

  Morning session: 9.30 am – 12.30 pm
Towards an integrated approach of trade in goods and services and business statistics

Chairperson: Mr. Axel Behrens, Head of International Transactions Unit, Statistical Office of the European Union, EUROSTAT

Towards an integrated approach of trade in goods and services and business statistics (Agenda item 7)
Mr. Stefano Menghinello, Head of Foreign trade and MNEs statistics Division, Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT)
Mr. Paulo Roberto Pavão, General Coordinator of Statistics Production, Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, Brazil
Dr. Patricia Walter, Senior Expert, External Statistics and Financial Accounts Division, Austrian Central Bank
Mrs. Sonia Araujo, Economist, Trade and Business Statistics Division, Statistics Directorate, OECD
Ms. Maria Helena Figueira, Director of Business Statistics, Statistical Office of the European Union, EUROSTAT


Audio: Morning session (part 1) > ayuda   

  11.00-12:15 Towards an integrated approach: institutional arrangements and the dissemination of statistics of international trade in goods and services. (Agenda item 8)
Mr. Bert Kroese, Director of Macro-economic Statistics and Dissemination Division, Statistics Netherlands
Mr. Art Ridgeway, Director General, System of National Accounts Division, Statistics Canada
Mr. Matthew Haigh, Project Manager, Balance of Payments Statistics, Statistics New Zealand


Towards an integrated approach of trade in goods and services and business statistics: the Way Forward . (Agenda item 9)
Mr. Ronald Jansen, Chief of Trade Statistics Branch, United Nations Statistics Division/ DESA


Audio: Morning session (part 2) > ayuda   

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  Afternoon session 14.30 pm — 16.30 pm
Trade in Value-Added: Input-Output Approach and the domestic content of Exports

Chairperson: Mr. Ronald Jansen, Chief of Trade Statistics Branch, United Nations Statistics Division/ DESA


Trade in Value-Added: Input-Output Approach and the domestic content of Exports. (Agenda item 10)
Mr. Andreas Maurer, Chief International Trade Statistics Section, World Trade Organization
Mr. Robert Stehrer, Senior Researcher, Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, Austria
Mr. Sebastien Miroudot, Economist, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, OECD
Mr. William Powers, Economist, Office of Operations, US International Trade Commission
Mr. Bo Meng, visiting research fellow at the OECD on secondment from the Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO)

Concluding remarks and closing of the Global Forum


Audio: Afternoon and closing session > ayuda   

  • Relevant background documents
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