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This meeting provides us with an excellent opportunity to review the progress we have made so far in the negotiations and take stock before we proceed. In our view, the current state of the negotiations can be summarised as follows. First, all Members have proceeded in good faith and expressed their genuine readiness to negotiate based on the mandate laid down in Article 20 of the Agreement on Agriculture. This is an important observation. We are not lagging behind, but progressing according to the time table agreed last year. Second, we are very encouraged by the large number of proposals on the table, and the active participation in the negotiations by an increasing number of Members, in particular by developing country Members. We now have proposals dealing with all issues covered by our mandate, and in the next phases we have to address market access, domestic support and export competition, as well as other issues raised by Members. Cross-cutting issues such as S&D and non-trade concerns need to be addressed on a horizontal basis as an integral part of the negotiations. Third, a successful outcome of the negotiations will only be reached if we acknowledge that all Members have legitimate interests that need to be taken duly into account in the negotiations. No Member should be ignored. This implies that the interests of exporting countries are no more important than the interests of importing countries, and vice versa. We are all equal partners, and the challenge ahead of us lies in designing compromises that are sufficiently balanced to attract the support of all of us. My fourth comment, relates to the dynamic character of the agricultural policy reform process. In addition to the negotiation mandate laid down in Article 20, we are all guided by and reporting back to our governments at home which in turn are accountable to their electorates. The agricultural policy reform is therefore not unaffected by for instance changes in consumer preferences and various events characterising international agricultural trade, such as for instance the recent crises relating to BSE and Foot and Mouth Disease. Fortunately, Article 20 is sufficiently flexible to take account of such recent developments, as it contains a specific reference to experiences gained during the implementation of the existing Agreement. What specific lessons could be drawn? In our view these crises clearly demonstrate that agriculture is not like any other sector. Agricultural products play a unique role in every society, and the consequences of not taking sufficient precaution, in production as well as trade, are just too big to be ignored. In our view, recent developments in agricultural trade underline the limitations of a pure market approach in agriculture. The specificity of the agricultural sector, as a producer of food and public goods within a complex and site-specific biological production system, need to be recognised and future trade rules designed accordingly. Fifth, the initial stage of the negotiations has clearly evidenced that non-trade concerns associated with the multifunctional character of agriculture are of vital importance to a large number of countries. These issues are on the table as an integral part of the negotiations. Obviously, we may not all be interested to the same extent in the same concerns. One Member may have a special focus on rural development while others focus their attention on food security, biodiversity, cultural heritage, land conservation or the maintenance of agricultural landscapes. We may have different priorities and different needs. What unites us is a genuine interest in the safeguarding of NTCs and the need for flexibility in the multilateral trading system to sustain domestic agriculture required to address these concerns. The need for flexibility brings me to my sixth observation. World agriculture is above all characterised by its diversity. The Least-Developed Countries are in a special situation, which calls for particular attention. Also a number of other delegations have in their interventions underlined the difficult and unfavourable production conditions that their agriculture is subject to. For instance, the Small Island Developing States have pointed to the general weakness and vulnerability of agriculture in the SIDS countries. Landlocked developing countries are also facing various constraints. The special situation of transition economies needs to be fully recognised. Some developed countries are facing extremely difficult production conditions, often as a result of climate and natural conditions. All these examples portray the differences among Members and the multitude of challenges. However, what unites us is a common recognition of the principle of coexistence through which every country has the right, according to mutually agreed rules, to promote its domestic agriculture necessary to address non-trade concerns. Furthermore, these countries acknowledge that a one-size-fits-all approach is not appropriate for the safeguarding of non-trade concerns. My seventh comment relates to the actual policy measures needed to safeguard NTCs. It seems to us that the First Phase of the negotiations has clearly evidenced that a broad number of Members believe Green Box measures would not be sufficient to address such concerns. The difficult task for all of us in the next phases of the negotiations consists of agreeing on instruments that, on one hand, adequately safeguard NTCs, also in low-potential areas, and, on the other hand, are least-trade-distorting. The issue of spill-over effects must be approached bearing in mind the balance of interests. After all, in a global trading system we are all affecting each other and the challenge consists of finding solutions that are sufficiently balanced to be acceptable to all Members. Finally, considering the overall framework for the negotiations, Norway believes a comprehensive round of negotiations that should include a number of issues in addition to the built-in agenda through a single undertaking would be the best way of achieving a balanced outcome of the negotiations to the benefit of all Members. Having said this, in the preparations for the next Ministerial, Norway believes it would be counter-productive to our agricultural reform efforts to make any changes in the agricultural negotiation mandate. Norway is ready to participate actively in the second phase based on the mandate set out in Article 20. __________ G/AG/NG/W/183 Page  PAGE 2 G/AG/NG/W/183 Page  PAGE 5 . /. -=GKtŠУФджщыьь ѓ ьѕZ^чѓ  +,2345NOUVWXijњјєђяђђђјычсчсчсчсчлыжжгжжжгжыmH jU CJhnH 6hnHhnHhnH CJ5:CJ,>* 5:CJ,* -;<=GHїђђк ађЖxађђž0ђђ~ $$–lж0+p#$$–l4ж+p# $$–l”ˆџ4ж+p# $d„ўЄ№$$$–l4ж+p#`$$$dh$ -;<=GHIJKdtˆ‰Š‹Фежъыьuvab‘’Ф Х Ш Щ @yzvw‡ˆ Ё   34678`abghijўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўў@HIJKdtˆ‰Š‹Фежъыьuvab‘’Ф Х Ш њњьјњњфижгггггжжжжжжжжжжж$ $$–lж+p#$ ЦаТ@$$–l”`џж+p#$$Ш Щ @yzvw‡ˆ Ё   6789YZ[\]^_`a§§§§§§§§§§§§§њѓѓѓ§ььь§§§§§§ ЦаB#B Ца @$abghij§њ§§ї$$' 0&P Аƒ. АШA!А "А #а$i%ААS6 [4@ёџ4Normal $ ЦаCJmH >"> Heading 1$„а„0§Є№@&5;J2J Heading 2"$ & Fп„а„0§Є№@& Цh:JBJ Heading 3"$ & Fр„а„0§Є№@& Цh5FRF Heading 4"$ & Fс„а„0§Є№@& ЦhHH Heading 5  & Fт„а„0§Є№@& Ца6.. Heading 6 Є№@&.. Heading 7 Є№@&.. Heading 8 Є№@&. . 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