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In order to achieve FS, it is essential to find the appropriate combination of three elements, namely domestic production, importation from international market and stockholding. As presented by Japan, the optimum combination can be found with proper consideration of the uncertainties associated with each element and the multifunctionality of domestic production that varies according to local situations of individual Members. This implies that FS cannot be attained neither by international trade nor by domestic production alone. Specific solutions for optimum combinations are different from country to country. For example, the priority and meaning of domestic production as a tool for FS may not be different in food-exporting countries compared to net food-importing countries. However it is clear that each government has a right and an obligation to pursue an optimal solution to guarantee FS for its own people. The role and importance of domestic production need to be understood in this framework. This paper addresses, among other issues, the role of domestic production as an insurance against uncertainties in world markets. Korea wishes to make it clear that the arguments presented herein do not aim at justifying self-sufficiency. In case of Korea, although high priority has been given to maintaining domestic production of grain for FS purpose, more than 70 per cent of total demand is currently being met by import, and this percentage is increasing yearly. We believe that reviewing the role of domestic production in terms of FS is particularly important in case of net food-importing developing countries. We hope this paper will make a useful contribution by sharing our view on this issue and by helping to develop realistic disciplines, at a later stage, for optimal combination of policy measures. Remarks for the Discussion on Food Security and the Role of Domestic Agricultural Production We have listened to the views carefully and we are thankful to many delegations for their strong interests in FS. We also appreciate the wide support and valuable comments on this issue. My delegation is pleased to confirm that almost all of us, particularly friends of developing countries, are sharing the view that FS is an issue of high priority, although different views remain on how to best assure it. We noted with great interest the valuable comments made by Indonesia which emphasised the importance of domestic production by drawing from its own experience during the Asian economic crisis. Korea had a similar experience during the financial crisis in 1997 and 1998. Regarding the comments on the different levels of risk and concern on FS between developing and developed countries, I would like to come back to the conceptual illustration on page 26. As the self-sufficiency rate decreases, concerns on FS related to potential import interruption increases in both developing and developed countries. However, as mentioned by Colombia and some other delegations, the trade-related risks and concerns on FS are much more serious in developing countries than in developed ones because, in developing countries, the Angel index is higher and consumers spend a larger portion of their income on food. Therefore, I may reply that the level of self-sufficiency needs to be maintained at a higher level in developing countries than in developed ones if other conditions are identical. As such, the priority and the meaning of domestic production as a tool for FS is different from country to country. It is clear, as already mentioned by so many delegations, that each of us has a right and an obligation to pursue an optimal solution to ensure food security for its own people. Now we are just at the beginning of a meaningful process. Based on today's discussion, I hope we will be able to develop effective and workable solutions at a later stage. Comment on the Proposal for "Market Access" (G/AG/NG/W/54) First of all, we welcome the consideration on the issue of S&D for developing countries, including the indication of the need to ensure that negotiations take fully into account the particular needs and conditions of developing countries. Unfortunately, however, we note that the proposals are limited only to the needs and interests of exporting developing countries. Given the various types of farming environment, each developing country has maintained different types of agriculture, which make them, inter alia, either net food-importers, least-developed importers, small island countries or exporters. Of course, we understand the needs and conditions of exporting developing countries. However it is also true that they are not necessarily identical to other developing countries. We believe it is now time to review the particular needs and conditions of various types of agriculture in developing countries, including in net importing developing countries as well as exporting ones. My second point is that many proposals in this paper seem to be inconsistent with Article 20. We are mandated to pursue the long-term objective of substantial progressive reductions taking into account various elements indicated in this Article. Like other sectors, we believe reform in market access should be made in a manner consistent with Article 20 and allow the coexistence of various types of agriculture. Comment on the Proposals for "Domestic Support-Additional Flexibility for Transition Economies" (G/AG/NG/W/56) and "Market Access" (G/AG/NG/W/57) As these papers were distributed quite recently, we have yet to peruse them thoroughly. However, we note and fully understand the difficulties being experienced by the transition economies. We also note that these papers clearly point to the existence of wide diversity in global agriculture and the problems arising from a uniform approach. We believe these proposals could be utilized as a valuable basis for further discussion and enhancing the flexibility needed in the continuation of the reform process. Comment on the Proposal for "Tariff Rate Quota Reform" (G/AG/NG/W/58) My preliminary comment is very brief. Firstly I would like to indicate that high TRQ fill rate is the result of faithful implementation of Members' commitments. We believe these efforts should be taken into account and credited appropriately in the future processes. The second point I would like to stress is that further development of the TRQ related system should be consistent with the spirit and structure of the tariffication mechanism, and balanced so as to be acceptable to all of us. It should not represent an increased burden for importing countries. Comments on the Background Papers from the Secretariat Non-Trade Concerns (G/AG/NG/S/17): We are pleased to note that, through this paper, a number of Members recognize the legitimacy of pursuing policies related to NTCs or multifunctionality. However, this paper also shows the differences in view on issues such as; (1) what are the traits of NTCs and multifunctionality, (2) how can these objectives be achieved, (3) and whether the measures provided in the Agreement are sufficient or not. Briefly, I would like to stress some of our views on these issues. Firstly, most elements of NTCs or multifunctionality cannot be fully achieved by a market mechanism and has a public-good aspect. Secondly, they are joint products of farming activities in most cases. Lastly, a one-size-fits-all approach is not appropriate to meet the various types of social demands in different Member countries. Operation of Green Box (G/AG/NG/S/18): This paper illustrates that a lot of Members are experiencing difficulties in applying the Green Box supports, which suggests that the requirements in Annex 2 of the Agreement may not be appropriate to accommodate different types of needs. I hope we will be able to be realistic enough to recognize the necessity for more flexibility allowing the coexistence of various types of agriculture. Inflation and Exchange Rate Movements in the Context of Domestic Support Commitments (G/AG/NG/S/19): This paper shows the reason why the real value of domestic support ceiling has to be smaller in case of inflation, given that a lot of countries committed AMS reduction in their national currency. The result of this analysis reflects the fact that the current AMS reduction system is unfavourable to DCs with unstable economy and high inflation. Once again, we stress the need for an equitable approach and hope to agree on a more reasonable solution at a later stage. __________ G/AG/NG/W/74 Page  PAGE 2 G/AG/NG/W/74 Page  PAGE 3 ,?IMvУФик§џ23‘’ Ѕ‰Šˆ™DED E  h i &'абGH <=DLZ\XbОРuvBD;њјєђяђђђјыђчђчсйбЫУЫУЫУЫУЫУЫЛВЫЎЈЎЫУЫУЫУчђчђчђЫ ЫУЫУЫУЫ6PJhnH PJho(PJh>*PJhnHo(>*PJhnHPJhnHo( PJhnH5PJnHo(>*PJnHo( PJnHo(5o(5B*CJ5:CJ,>* 5:CJ,? ,=>?IJїђђк ађЖ€ађђž0ђђ~ $$–lж0+p#$$–l4ж+p# $$–l”ˆџ4ж+p# $d„ўЄ№$$$–l4ж+p#`$$$dh$ ,=>?IJKLMfvŠ‹ŒФйкўџ23‘’†‡y z Ќ ­ h i ‘’НО [\ПРCDхцxy{|ТУњћ2 3 V W э!ю!#‚#Њ#Ћ#5%6%%ž%v'w'x'ƒ'•'–'œ''ž'Ÿ'Ё'Ђ'Ѓ'Т'У'Ф'§§§ћ§§ћ§§љћ§љћ§§ћ§§§ћљљљљљљљіљіііG  aJKLMfvŠ‹ŒФйкўџ23‘’†‡y њњьјњњфижжггггжНжжжжжжж$ Ц#  p@ рА€P №Р!$ $$–lж+p#$ ЦаТ@$$–l”`џж+p#$$y z Ќ ­ h i ‘’НО [\ПРCDхцxy{|ТУ§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§;<ftфц;GYZajwxy‚ˆ‰‹Ž89NQWXрухэz|˜™БВТУФVWefабДЕћ1 3 S T X о № ё ђ ѓ a!s!љ!џ!U"h"#‚#Ї#јђјђјщсщсщсщсщсщђјђјђјђјђјђјђјђјђјщсщсщјђјђјђјђјђјнлвЪђФФПФННвЖ >*PJho(o(PJnH PJnHo(>*PJhnH>*PJhnHo(55o(5PJhnH5PJhnHo( PJhnHPJhnHo(EУњћ2 3 V W э!ю!#‚#Њ#Ћ#5%6%%ž%v'w'x'ƒ' 'Ё'Ђ'Ѓ'§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§чооо§ G$ Ц 9r  @$ Ц#  p@ рА€P №Р!Ї#Љ#)$5%6%™%›%c&d&w'x'‚'ƒ'•'–'œ''ž'Ÿ'З'И'О'П'Р'С'Ю'Я'њієыунунынйддбдддбдйmH jU5B* PJhnHPJhnHo(>*PJhnHo(o(PJh PJho(Ѓ'Т'У'Ф'Х'Ц'Ч'Ш'Щ'Ъ'Ы'Ь'Э'Ю'Я'ііієєєєєєєёєєл$ Ц#  p@ рА€P №Р!$ G$ Ц 9r B#Ф'Х'Ц'Ч'Ш'Щ'Ъ'Ы'Ь'Э'Ю'Я'ўќўќўќўќўў  ' 0&P Аƒ. 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