Plotting the Future Path for Cotton

A moderated, 90-minute panel consisting of industry experts from throughout the cotton & textile supply chain to address how the future of cotton will be impacted by many factors beyond the farm, and even beyond the supply chain.

The challenges of sustainability — all aspects, including social, economic and environmental future — will require innovative new solutions that take advantage of cutting-edge technologies to tackle:

  • Climate change
  • Population growth
  • Least developed countries
  • Consumer preferences and activism
  • Plastic pollution


  • Mr. Allan McClay, CEO of Better Cotton Initiative (BCI)


  • Ms Cecilia Brannsten, Environmental Sustainability Manager, H&M Group
  • Ms Anita Chester, Head of Sustainable Raw Materials, C&A Foundation
  • J. Berrye Worsham, CEO, Cotton Incorporated
  • Mr. Mark Jarvis, Managing Director, World Textile Information Network (WTIN)
  • Mr. YC Man, Head of Cotton Operations, Esquel Group
  • Ms Lacy Vardeman, Partner with Vardeman Farms, Texas



Día Mundial del Algodón 2019

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