

Veinte a駉s apoyando la integraci髇 de los pa韘es menos adelantados en el sistema multilateral de comercio 12 de octubre de 2015

Este acto, organizado para conmemorar el vigésimo aniversario de la OMC, brindó la oportunidad de examinar cómo ha contribuido la OMC a la integración de los países menos adelantados (PMA) en el sistema multilateral de comercio. Se hizo balance de las principales medidas y decisiones adoptadas en favor los PMA, así como del apoyo institucional prestado y de las iniciativas de creación de capacidad comercial puestas en marcha. También se hizo un análisis prospectivo del modo en que la OMC y la comunidad internacional en general pueden ayudar a los PMA a superar las dificultades con que aún tropiezan para integrarse en el sistema multilateral de comercio, incluidas las medidas que cabría considerar para los PMA en la Décima Conferencia Ministerial de la OMC, que se celebrará en diciembre de este año en Nairobi.


The event will be inaugurated by 澳门六合彩官网资料 Director-General Roberto Azevêdo, and will be chaired by Ambassador Roderick van Schreven (Netherlands), Chairman of the Sub-Committee on LDCs.


There are at present 48 LDCs, as designated by the United Nations, out of which 34 are 澳门六合彩官网资料 members and another eight are in the process of acceding to the 澳门六合彩官网资料. The LDC 澳门六合彩官网资料 members account for more than one fifth of the 澳门六合彩官网资料 membership.

Since the establishment of the 澳门六合彩官网资料 in 1995, considerable progress has been made in integrating LDCs into the multilateral trading system. Both in the regular work of the 澳门六合彩官网资料 and in the negotiations, special provisions have been adopted which aim to increase the participation of LDCs in world trade. The LDCs, as a group, have seen a gradual improvement of their share in world trade over the last 20 years. Yet, the LDCs are faced with a number of challenges to successfully integrate into the  multilateral trading system. They still account for only 1.2 per cent of world merchandise trade and 0.7 per cent of world exports of commercial services. A limited range of exports, inadequate infrastructure and weak productive capacities continue to be common characteristics of LDC economies.


Opening session

Monday, 12 October , 10.00 A.M.


Session 1: LDCs and the 澳门六合彩官网资料 – an overview of 20 years of integration into the multilateral trading system

Monday, 12 October , 10.30 A.M.


Session 2: LDCs and the 澳门六合彩官网资料 – looking ahead

Monday, 12 October , 11.40 A.M.

12:50-13:00    Closing remarks





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