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Our dialogue has provided a better understanding of Mexico's trade-related policies and practices due very much to the full involvement of Vice-Minister Villalobos and his delegation and to the engagement of many Members. This is indeed a felicitous indication of what this Body can accomplish and will do over the coming months. Members commended Mexico for its economic performance in recent years. Mexico's trade and investment liberalization efforts have been key elements in its economic advancement and prospects, having resulted in substantial increases both in trade and investment flows. In consequence, Mexico's integration in the world economy has deepened, making it an increasingly important economic partner. Members also praised Mexico for its active participation in the multilateral trading system, commended its strong support for the launching of the Doha Development Agenda, and welcomed its offer to host АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ's fifth Ministerial Conference. At the same time, Members noted that much of Mexico's recent liberalization has taken place under preferential arrangements. Several Members maintaining preferential agreements with Mexico commented on the positive effects of such agreements on trade and investment with Mexico. But it was also noted that, in general, falling trade barriers under preferential agreements have not been matched by similar improvements for MFN partners. This was a source of concern to a number of Members, who encouraged Mexico to narrow the gap. Falling applied preferential tariffs contrast sharply with the three percentage-points increase in Mexico's average MFN tariff since its previous Review. Noting that the measure had been announced as temporary, and that preferential partners have not been affected, Members requested particulars on the phasing out of the increase. Other recent tariff increases were also questioned, notably those affecting steel products. Members commended Mexico's various initiatives to streamline and increase transparency in many administrative areas, but they were also concerned about Mexico's customs procedures and practices. In particular, clarifications were requested on the price reference mechanism introduced to combat under-invoicing, on import licensing procedures as well as on non-preferential rules of origin. Although transparency in the use of technical and SPS regulations has improved, some concerns were raised with respect to measures on certain products. Some Members noted Mexico's use of anti-dumping measures, which although falling in number were still many, and encouraged Mexico to seek greater transparency in this area by aligning its contingency legislation with multilateral rules. Several Members also encouraged Mexico to accede to АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ's Government Procurement agreement, and noted that domestic procurement rules discriminated in favour of national suppliers, and of several suppliers from preferential partners. On sectoral policies, several questions were asked about assistance to the sugar industry, and plans for its further privatization. Members expressed interest in developments in the energy sector, air and maritime transport services and telecommunication services, notably with respect to foreign participation, competition and liberalization. Several Members thought it desirable to further open these activities to private investment, observing Mexico's positive experience with liberalization in other areas. Members also sought further clarification on a number of specific areas, including: bound rates and the gap between these and applied tariffs; tariff quotas maintained for agricultural products; АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ consistency of special import regimes (including maquila and PITEX); local content requirements in the automotive industry; and protection of intellectual property rights. The Mexican delegation gave written and oral replies to questions posed during the Review and undertook to respond in writing to some outstanding technical issues as soon as possible. The replies provided have made a major contribution to this meeting, and were clearly appreciated by Members. In conclusion, I believe that through this Review we have gained a first-hand appreciation of Mexico's achievements since its previous Review in 1996, and of the challenges that lie ahead. Mexico is now seen by many Members as a prime example of the benefits of trade and investment liberalization, notwithstanding a number of cyclical and structural problems. However, Mexico's liberalization paradigm raises important questions for all АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ Members concerning the relationship between preferential and MFN efforts, questions that no doubt we will have to come to grips with as part of the Doha Development Agenda. For Mexico itself, an additional challenge is to juggle the growing number of preferential agreements in force and under negotiation, together with the many components of the evolving multilateral agenda. Moreover, it is possible that dealing with issues such as ownership and competition in some critical areas, such as transportation, electricity, hydrocarbons and sugar, would contribute to an improved growth profile. Mexico's first-rate participation in this Review bodes well for its capacity to meet those challenges, to the benefit of its people and its trading partners. -  PAGE 2 - ,/LMacˆCEFLMNOQRU§§§љіяьячяьі0JImH0JI j0JIUmH 565-./Mbc‰ŠЏА<=- . D E ё ђ эюёђG‚Жќљљєёёєяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяыщщ$Є№$$@&$@&-./Mbc‰ŠЏА<=- . D E ё ђ эюёђG‚Жџ;gh‘ћќBCMNRSTUўўўљљљљљїїїїїѕїї $; +Жџ;gh‘ћќCRSTU§§§ћћћћћћјћћћG$$ # 0А‚. АЦA!А "А # $ %АА J [4@ёџ4Normal $ ЦаCJmH F"F Heading 1$ & F6„а„0§Є№@&5;J2J Heading 2"$ & F7„а„0§Є№@& Цh:JBJ Heading 3"$ & F8„а„0§Є№@& Цh5FRF Heading 4"$ & F9„а„0§Є№@& Цh@@ Heading 5 & F:„а„0§Є№@&6.. Heading 6 Є№@&.. 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