Information about the organization


Chinese Taipei

This page gathers key information on Chinese Taipei's negotiations to join the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ.  Chinese Taipei became the 144th °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Member on 1 January 2002.

> Page for Chinese Taipei as a Member





°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ accession process in brief



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Chinese Taipei's Timeline

I. Overview
GATT application received 15/01/1992
GATT accession Working Party established 29/09/1992  
GATT terms of reference & accession Working Party membership  05/10/1992  
°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ application received & °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ accession Working Party established  07/12/1995  WT/ACC/TPKM/1 (Request to transform the Working Party on the Accession of the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu (referred to as "Chinese Taipei") to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1947 into a °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ accession Working Party. As per document WT/ACC/TPKM/1, the Working Party on the Accession to the GATT 1947 was transformed into a °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Accession Working Party, in accordance with the decision adopted by the General Council on 31 January 1995. Document WT/ACC/TPKM/1 also reproduced the name of the Chairperson and the terms of reference of the Working Party.)
°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ terms of reference & accession Working Party membership  11/03/1997  WT/ACC/TPKM/6  + ( revisions and corrigendum)
Chairperson of the Accession Working Party    
1st 03/1997 - 11/2001 Ambassador Martin R. MORLAND (United Kingdom)
Formal Meetings of the Working Party Date of the meeting Convening notice Statement(s) by the Head of the Delegation Statement(s) by Working Party members Delegation list Other documents for the meeting News item
1st 06/11/1992  
2nd 15/04/1993  
3rd 28/06/1993  
4th 12/10/1993  
5th 17/05/1994  
6th 26/07/1994  
7th 21/12/1994    
8th 28/02/1997 WT/ACC/SPEC/TPKM/1 
9th 08/05/1998
10th 12/05/1999
11th 14/09/2001 News item
Informal Meetings of the Working Party Date of the meeting Convening fax Statement(s) by the Head of the Delegation
Plurilateral Meetings Date of the meeting Convening fax Statement(s) by the Head of the Delegation
II. Multilateral Negotiations
Memorandum on the Foreign Trade Regime (MFTR)  29/10/1992  
Initial cycle(s) of Questions and Replies, following the circulation of the MFTR 26/03/1993     (+  )
27/04/1994     (+  )
Factual Summary of Points Raised 
Additional Questions & Replies 09/02/1999  WT/ACC/TPKM/14   (+  addendum & corrigendum)
Elements of a Draft Report of the Working Party 
Draft Report of the Working Party  13/03/1998  WT/ACC/SPEC/TPKM/2  (+  revisions & corrigenda)
Agriculture (WT/ACC/22/Add.1), including Questions and Replies  01/06/1999  WT/ACC/TPKM/16; WT/ACC/SPEC/TPKM/7  (+  corrgigendum)
03/07/1998   WT/ACC/SPEC/TPKM/4  (+  revisions & corrigendum)
SPS Checklist (WT/ACC/22/Add.2
TBT Checklist (WT/ACC/22/Add.2
TRIPS Questionnaire (WT/ACC/22/Add.2
Import Licensing Procedures Questionnaire (WT/ACC/22 + revisions
Customs Valuation Checklist (WT/ACC/22 + revisions
State-Trading Questionnaire (WT/ACC/22 + revisions
Draft Subsidies Notification (WT/ACC/22/Add.2 29/06/1998  WT/ACC/TPKM/8  (+  revisions)
29/06/1998  WT/ACC/TPKM/9  (+  corrigendum & revisions)
Comprehensive Legislative Action Plan (LAP) 
Rule-specific Action Plans 
Legislation and implementing regulations    Click for details Legislation notice Notified legislation
  •  Statue for Upgrading Industries
  •  Regulations of the Industrial Development Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs for Controlled Substances Pursuant to the Montreal Protocol
  •  Statue for Development of Medium and Small Businesses
  •  The Patent Law
  •  The Trademark Law
  •  The Commodity Inspection Law
  •  The Enforcement Rules for the Commodity Inspection Law
  •  Commodity Labelling Law
  •  Statue for Establishment and Management of Export Processing Zones
  •  Statue for Technical cooperation
  •  Statute for Investment by Foreign Nationals
  •  Rules Governing the Approval and Administration of Foreign Specialist and Technical Personnel Employed by Public or Private Enterprises and Ranking Executives Employed by Overseas Chinese or Foreign National Invested Enterprises
  •  Statue for Prevention and Control of Infectious Livestock Diseases
  •  Enforcement Rules of Statue for Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases
  •  Regulations Governing Relief and Aid for Major Agricultural Products Damages by Importation
  •  Statue for Agricultural Development
  •  Customs Law
  •  Rules Governing the Implementation of the Customs Law
  •  Rules for Collection of Customs Fees
  •  Implementing Regulation on the Imposition of Countervailing Duty and Anti-dumping Duty
  •  Income Tax Law
  •  Business Tax Law
  •  Statue for Commodity Tax
  •  The Securities and Exchange Law
  •  Foreign Futures Trading Law
  •  Banking Law
  •  Statue for Foreign Exchange Regulation
  •  Rules Governing Procuring Goods of Foreign Origin
  •  Insurance Law
  •  The Central Reinsurance Corporation Act
  •  Fair Trade Law
  •  The Motion Picture Law
  •  Bylaws Governing the Execution of the Motion Picture law
  •  Employment Service Act
  •  Regulations Governing the Quarantine at International Ports
  •  Foreign Trade Act
  •  Regulations Governing registration and Administration of Exporters and Importers
  •  Rules Governing Examination of Import of Commodities
  •  Rules Governing Examination of Export of Commodities
  •  Regulations Governing Import of Commodities by Firms
  •  Regulations Governing Application for Export of Commodities by Firms
  •  Regulations Governing Import of Commodities
  •  Regulations Governing Export of Commodities
  •  Regulations Governing Examination and Administration of Classification of Import/Export Commodities
  •  The Copyright Law
  •  Law Governing Food Sanitation
  •  Enforcement Rules of the Law Governing Food Sanitation
  •  Law for the Control of Cosmetic Hygiene
  •  The Law of Audit
  •  Ordinance Concerning Inspection Procedure Governing Construction Work, Procurement and Disposal of Properties by Government Agencies
  •  The Quarantine Regulations on Imported Fishery Products
  •  Bylaws Governing the Execution of the Motion Picture Law
  •  Agreement for the Protection of Copyright between the Coordination Council for North American Affairs and the American Institute in Taiwan
  •  Agreement Concerning the Protection and Enforcement of Rights in Audiovisual Works between the Coordination Council for North American Affairs and the American Institute in Taiwan
  •  Copyright Law and Regulations
  •  List of Newly Promulgated/Revised Laws and Regulations:
  •  - Enforcement Rules of the Foreign Trade Act (N)
  •  - Regulations Governing the Process of Objections against Punishment on Violations of Foreign Trade Act (N)
  •  - Regulations Governing Import of Commodities (N)
  •  - Regulations Governing Export of Commodities (N)
  •  - Regulations Governing Export and Import of High-Tech Commodities (N)
  •  - Regulations Governing Registration and Administration of Exporters and Importers (N)
  •  - Regulations Governing Revenue, Expenditure, Custody and Use of Trade Promotion Fund (N)
  •  - Commodity Inspection Act (T)
  •  - Implementation Rules of the Commodity Inspection Act (T)
  •  - Quarantine Restrictions on the Importation of Plants and Plant Products
  •  - Quarantine Regulations on Imported Fishery Products
  •  - Provisions Standard for Hi-Fi and Stereo Equipment
  •  - Copyright Law
  •  - Agreement for the Protection of Copyright between the Coordination Council for North American Affairs and the American Institute in Taiwan (R)
  •  - Income Tax Law
  •  - Supplement to Customs Import Tariff and Classification of Import and Export commodities
  •  List of abolished laws and regulations:
  •  - Rules Governing Examination of Import of Commodities
  •  - Rules Governing Examination of Export of Commodities
  •  - Regulations Governing Import of Commodities by Firms
  •  - Regulations Governing Application for Export of Commodities by Firms
  •  - Regulations Governing Examination and Administration of classification of Import and Export Commodities
  •  Draft Special Exchange Agreement between the Government of Chinese Taipei and the CONTRACTING PARTIES to the GATT/°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ
  •  Draft Special Exchange Agreement between Chinese Taipei and the CONTRACTING PARTIES and the World Trade Organization
  •  Draft Special Exchange Agreement between the Government of Chinese Taipei and the CONTRACTING PARTIES to the GATT/°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ
  •  Agro-Pesticide Act
  •  Operating Rules for Screening Applications to Import Fishing Vessels Using New Fishing Methods
  •  Feeds Control Act
  •  Veterinary Drugs Control Act
24/06/1996  WT/ACC/TPKM/3
  •  Wildlife Conservation Law
  •  Implementing Regulations of the Wildlife Conservation Law
17/06/1997  WT/ACC/TPKM/7
  •  Foreign Trade Act (Articles 6, 18, 20-1)
  •  Commodity Inspection Law (Articles 1, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 27, 28)
  •  Trademark Law (Articles 4, 5, 23, 25, 34, 37, 61)
  •  Patent Law (Articles 21, 51, 56, 57, 78, 79, 80, 82, 88, 91, 105, 109, 117, 122)
  •  Company Law (Articles 373, 383)
  •  Customs Law (Articles 3-1, 4-3, 4-4, 11-1, 12, 12-4 to 12-6, 27, 27-1, 46-1 to 46-2, 47-2, 51)
  •  Statute for Commodity Tax (Articles 3, 5, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 32)
  •  Business Tax Law (Articles 16, 20)
  •  Securities and Exchange Law (Articles 54, 95, 198)
  •  Certified Public Accountants' Law (Article 47)
  •  Commercial Port Law (Article 7)
  •  Highway Law (Article 35)
  •  Lawyers' Law (Articles 20-1, 42, 45, 46, 47-1 to 47-14, 48, 49, 50 50-1)
  •  Architects' Law (Article 54)
  •  Statute Governing Privileges and Immunities of the Foreign Mission and their Personnel in Chinese Taipei (Article 7-1)
  •  Law of Pharmaceutical Affairs (Article 53)
  •  Law Governing Food Sanitation (Article 17)
  •  Publication Law (Article 8)
  •  Central Bank Act (Article 23)
  •  Banking Law (Article 42)
24/06/1998  WT/ACC/TPKM/7/Add.1
  •  Tobacco Hazard Prevention Act
20/07/1998  WT/ACC/TPKM/11
  •  Copyright Law
21/05/1999  WT/ACC/TPKM/15
  •  The Motion Picture Law
  •  The Enforcement Rules of the Motion Picture Law
  •  Broadcasting and Television Law
  •  Law for the Control of Cosmetic Hygiene
  •  Quarantine Regulations on Imported Fishery Products of Cholera
  •  Regulations Governing the Quarantine at International Port
  •  Law Governing Food Sanitation
  •  Enforcement Rules of the Law Governing Food Sanitation
  •  Customs Law
  •  Insurance Law
  •  Admission Standards and Administrative Rules Governing Foreign Insurers
  •  Banking Law
  •  Business Tax Law
  •  Commodity Inspection Act
  •  Revised Articles 1, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 27, 28 and 38 of the Commodity Inspection Act
  •  Implementation Rules of the Commodity Inspection Act
  •  Revised Articles 27 and 52 of the Implementation Rule of the Commodity Inspection Act
  •  Statute for Upgrading Industries
  •  Regulation of Controlled Chemical Substances Pursuant to the Montreal Protocol
  •  Trademark Law
  •  Patent Law
  •  Rules for Handling Import Relief Cases
  •  Regulations Governing Export of Commodities
  •  Enforcement Rules of the Foreign Trade
  •  Foreign Trade Act
  •  Statute governing privileges and immunities of the Foreign Missions and their personnel
  •  Law of Pharmaceutical Affairs
  •  Copyright Intermediary Organization Act
  •  Statute for Establishment and Management of Export Processing Zones
  •  Law for the Administration of National Enterprises
20/06/2000  WT/ACC/TPKM/17
  •  Rules for Handling Import Relief Cases (1 June 1994, amended 30 December 1998)
  •  Rules for Handling Import Relief Cases Regarding Textiles and Clothing (2 June 1999)
22/09/2000  WT/ACC/TPKM/17/Rev.1  Rules for Handling Import Relief Cases (1 June 1994, amended 21 June 2000)
Consultation documents    Click for details Consultation notice Notified consultation document
  •  Chinese Taipei's import statistics for January 1989 up to June 1992
  •  Aeronautics and Space Industries Development Program
  •  Quarantine Restrictions on the Importation of Plants and Plant Products
  •  Provisional Standard for Hi-Fi and stereo Equipment
  •  Negative List for Investment by Overseas Chinese and Foreign Nationals
  •  Quarantine Requirements for the Importation of Animals and Animal Products
  •  Guideline for the Screening and Approval of the Establishment of Branches and Representative Offices by Foreign Banks
  •  Insurance Company Establishment Criteria
  •  Automotive Industry Development Policy
  •  Requirements for Imported Drug Registration
  •  Negative List for Investment by Overseas Chinese and Foreign Nationals
  •  Quarantine Restrictions on the Importation of Plants and Plant Products
  •  Provisions Standard for Hi-Fi and Stereo Equipment
  •  Supplement to Customs Import Tariff and Classification of Import and Export commodities
22/07/1994   (+  ) Checklist of Accession Issues
05/08/1994    Description of Service Sectors (Including Telecommunications, Insurance, Banking, Securities, Air Transport and Road Transport)
11/08/1994    Checklist of Accession Issues (responses by Chinese Taipei)
22/08/1994   (+  )  Draft Special Exchange Agreement between the Government of Chinese Taipei and the CONTRACTING PARTIES to the GATT/°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ
04/10/1994    Draft Special Exchange Agreement between Chinese Taipei and the CONTRACTING PARTIES and the World Trade Organization
14/10/1994    Status Repor of Bilateral Negotiations Held by the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu in Conjunction with its GATT/°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Accession
31/01/1995   (+  )  Checklist of Accession Issues (responses by Chinese Taipei)
  •  Operating Procedures Governing Applications to Import Wheat and Operation of the Stabilization Fund
  •  Operating Procedures Governing Applications to Import Wheat Flour and Operation of the Stabilization Fund
  •  Guidelines Governing Food Companies Applying to Import Raw Glutinous Rice/Powder for Processing for Export
  •  Guidelines Governing Applications to Import Adzuki Beans
  •  Guidelines Governing the Application for and Issuance of Fertilizer Registration Certificate
  •  Guidelines for Screening Applications for Letter of Approval for the Importation of Livestock and Poultry
13/02/1996  WT/ACC/TPKM/2
  •  HS numbers and descriptions of the products concerned as well as the tariff rates before and such reduction
24/06/1996  WT/ACC/TPKM/3
  •  Guidelines for Screening Applications for Written Import/Export Approvals Regarding Wild Fauna and Flora Deserving Conservation
  •  Guidelines for the Issuance of Written Approvals Regarding the Importation of Aquatic Animals
  •  Screening Procedures and Criteria Governing the Issuance of Written Approvals for the Importation of Dried Betel Nuts (Ta Fu Tzu)
11/12/1996  WT/ACC/TPKM/4
  •  Customs Import Tariff and Classification of Import and Export Commodites (August 1995 revised edition)
26/03/1997  WT/ACC/TPKM/5  Check List of Documents
26/03/1997  WT/ACC/TPKM/5/Rev.1  Check List of Documents
03/07/1998  WT/ACC/TPKM/10  Communication concerning the adoption of Codex standards
03/07/1998  WT/ACC/SPEC/TPKM/5  (+  corrigenda)  Proposed Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) Regime
28/10/1998  WT/ACC/TPKM/12
  •  Standards for Agricultural and Processed Agricultural Products (Volume 1 and 2).
25/11/1998  WT/ACC/TPKM/13
  •  List of Commodities Subject to Export Restriction and List of Commodities Entrusted to Customs for Export Examination (revised June 1997)
07/12/1998  WT/ACC/SPEC/TPKM/6  (+  corrigendum)  CODEX Standards
09/02/1999  WT/ACC/SPEC/TPKM/8  (+  corrigendum)  Responses to questions concerning Proposed Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) Regime
04/05/1999  WT/ACC/TPKM/5/Rev.2  Check List of Documents
06/05/1999  WT/ACC/SPEC/TPKM/8/Add.1  Responses to questions concerning Proposed Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) Regime
07/05/1999  WT/ACC/SPEC/TPKM/9  Information concerning the draft proposals of Chinese Taipei's TRQ system and SSG scheme
21/05/1999  WT/ACC/SPEC/TPKM/15
  •  Guidelines for the Reviewing of Foreign Banks' Applications for the Establishment of Branch and Representative Offices
  •  Aeronautics and Space Industries Development Program
  •  Establishment Criteria of Securities Firm
  •  Customs Import Tariff and Classification of Import and Export Commodities (June 1998 Revised Edition)
  •  Customs Import Tariff and Classification of Import and Export Commodities
08/06/1999  WT/ACC/SPEC/TPKM/10  Information Concerning Domestic Support and Export Subsidies
23/06/1999  WT/ACC/SPEC/TPKM/11  Preliminary List of Concessions in Goods
22/07/1999  WT/ACC/SPEC/TPKM/5/Rev.1  Proposed Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) Regime
22/07/1999  WT/ACC/SPEC/TPKM/10/Rev.1  Information Concerning Domestic Support and Export Subsidies
29/07/1999  WT/ACC/SPEC/TPKM/9/Rev.1  Information concerning the draft proposals of Chinese Taipei's TRQ system and SSG scheme
III. Bilateral Market Access Negotiations 
Goods Offer(s) 
Services Offer(s)  28/09/1994   (+  , )
06/05/1998  WT/ACC/SPEC/TPKM/3  (+  revisions & corrigenda)
Register of Bilateral Market Access Agreements 
Draft Goods Schedule  31/07/2001  WT/ACC/SPEC/TPKM/13 (+  revision & corrigendum)
Draft Services Schedule  16/02/2001  WT/ACC/SPEC/TPKM/12  (+  corrigenda)
Goods and Services Technical Verification Meetings 
IV. Summary of Final Meeting of the Working Party
V. Accession Package (“Terms of Accession”, de-restricted) 
Ministerial Conference/General Council Decision on the Accession 11/11/2001  WT/L/433 News item
Protocol of Accession  11/11/2001  WT/L/433
Report of the Working Party 05/10/2001  WT/ACC/TPKM/18
11/11/2001  WT/MIN(01)/4
Goods Schedule (Schedule of Concessions and Commitments Annexed to the GATT 1994)  05/10/2001  WT/ACC/TPKM/18/Add.1
11/11/2001  WT/MIN(01)/4/Add.1 (Note: This document reprints the document distributed as WT/ACC/TPKM/18/Add.1 on 5 October 2001.)
Services Schedule (Schedule of Specific Commitments Annexed to the GATS)  05/10/2001  WT/ACC/TPKM/18/Add.2
11/11/2001  WT/MIN(01)/4/Add.2 (Note: This document reprints the document distributed as WT/ACC/TPKM/18/Add.2 on 5 October 2001.)
VI. Accessions Commitments Database (ACDB) 
Specific Accession Commitments    click on “Report by Member”, select “Chinese Taipei” in drop down list then click on “View Report”
VII. Instrument of Acceptance 
Notification of Acceptance and Entry Into Force of the Protocol of Accession 02/12/2001  WT/LET/411
VIII. Date of Membership
  01/01/2002 144th Member News item
IX. Since 1995, this is the…
16th economy that joined the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ pursuant to Article XII of the Marrakesh Agreement.

The de-restriction of documents is a key component of the transparency obligations of the Multilateral Trading System.  Paragraphs 1 and 2(e) of the Ministerial Council Decision WT/L/452 of 14 May 2002 provide that “documents relating to working parties on accession shall be restricted and shall be automatically de-restricted upon the adoption of the report of the working party” by the Ministerial Conference/General Council.  The time of completion of the de-restriction process depends on the amount and complexities of the documents involved.  Prior to 2002, the de-restriction of accession-related documents was governed by a different set of rules (i.e. General Council Decision WT/L/160/Rev.1 of 26 July 1996), which only affect documents circulated prior to 2002.