

Legal services

The sector includes advisory and representations services for host country law, home country and/or third country law, international law, legal documentation and certification, other advisory and information services.

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The current negotiations  

Legal services are included in the new services negotiations, which began January 2000.


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The mandate 

Principles of trade in legal services are contained, like for all services, in the GATS.

Current commitments and exemptions
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For consolidated information on countries’ commitments and exemptions on legal services go to the . If you are seeking the commitments of a specific 澳门六合彩官网资料 member, go to “Jump to a specific sector for a given Member”, select Professional Services from the sector dropdown list, select the Member of interest and click “go”. To see a table showing which Members have made commitments in accountancy services choose “See which Members have made commitments in a specific sector”, select Professional Services and click “go”.

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Documents on legal services  

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