Special meeting of the SPS committee on the operation of Enquiry Points

This special meeting is organized by the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Secretariat. The objective is to use panel presentations and discussions to address specific problems countries might be facing which are inhibiting the effective performance of their Enquiry Points and identify possible solutions. The meeting will immediately follow the meetings of the SPS Committee (29-30 October 2003) so as to facilitate the participation of appropriate experts from capital.

The special meeting is open to Members, Observer Governments and Observer Organizations of the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ. There is no registration fee. Participants from °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Members and Observer Governments should come as part of their official delegation.


Papers prepared by Members for this meeting
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> Argentina: and
> Australia:
> Canada and New Zealand:
> Pakistan:
> Panama:
> Venezuela:
> Mexico:
> EEC:


A. Opening Statement

Transparency Obligations under the SPS Agreement and the Operation of Enquiry points
Ms Gretchen H. Stanton
Secretary, SPS Committee
> download powerpoint presentation, 380KB

B. Constraints faced by SPS Enquiry Points — (Presentations from selected Members)
  • Argentina (in spanish)
    Sra. Roxana Blasetti
    Coordinadora de Legislacion Internacional
    Direccion Nacional de Mercados Agroalimentarios
    Ministerio Economia Y Produccion — Secretaria de Agricultura
    > download powerpoint presentation, 113KB

  • Egypt
    Mr. Abdalla Shafie
    General Director & International Relations
    Foreign Agricultural Relations Department
    Ministry of Agriculture
    > download powerpoint presentation, 75KB

  • Senegal
    Mr. Cheikh Saadbouh Seck
    Directeur du Commerce Extérieur
    Ministère du Commerce
    > download Word document, 36KB

  • Mauritius
    Mr. M. Chinappen
    Ministry of Agriculture, Food Technology and Natural Resources
    Plant Pathology Division
    > download powerpoint presentation, 80KB

  • Open discussion

C. Overcoming the Constraints — (Presentations from selected Members)
  • Chile
    Sra. Urrutia-Anabalon Antonieta
    Ingeniero Agronomo
    Asuntos Internacionales — SAG
    > download powerpoint presentation, 98KB

  • Jamaica
    Ms Carol Thomas
    Chief Plant Quarantine Inspector
    Plant Quarantine — Produce Inspection Division
    Ministry of Agriculture
    > download powerpoint presentation, 317KB

  • Thailand
    Mr. Anut Visetrojana
    Senior Officer
    National Bureau of Agricultural Commodities and Food Standards
    Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
    > download Word document, 50KB

  • South Africa
    Ms Mogajane
    Assistant Director General
    National Regulatory Services
    National Department of Agriculture
    > download powerpoint presentation, 120KB

  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit — GTZ
    Mr. Eckhard Volkmann
    Division Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
    Project Agricultural Trade
    > download powerpoint presentation, 116KB

  • Open discussion

D. Concluding Remarks
E. End of Session
> Guide to downloading files.