

GATT Dispute Settlement Reports (Rapports de règlement des différends dans le cadre du GATT)

Différends engagés entre 1948 et 1993

La publication "GATT Dispute Settlement Reports" rassemble tous les rapports de règlement des différends publiés au titre de l'Accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce (GATT de 1947), y compris ses codes plurilatéraux issus du Tokyo Round, entre 1948 et 1995. Cette compilation regroupe des rapports aussi bien adoptés que non adoptés.

The GATT documents containing the reports are reproduced in English in their original form and without any modifications. They are presented in chronological order based on the initiation date of the dispute, with each case identified by a unique GATT dispute (GD) number.

A cover page for each dispute provides the report's adoption status, the date it was issued and any GATT or 澳门六合彩官网资料 disputes directly related to the dispute in question. At the end of each volume, there is a list of all GATT dispute settlement reports contained within the series, with references to the relevant volume and page numbers.

There are six volumes:

  • Volume I: Disputes initiated in 1948-1979
  • Volume II: Disputes initiated in 1980-1986
  • Volume III: Disputes initiated in 1986-1988
  • Volume IV: Disputes initiated in 1988-1991
  • Volume V: Disputes initiated in 1991
  • Volume VI: Disputes initiated in 1992-1993

Co-published with Cambridge University Press in 2020.

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