


Index:  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X, Y, Z

The texts reproduced here do not have the legal standing of the original documents which are entrusted and kept at the 澳门六合彩官网资料 Secretariat in Geneva.

joint venture

classification as M.3.18 S.2.3.6 S.2.3B.4 S.2.3B.5 S.2.6.9

market access restrictions (GATS XVI) G.

judicial economy C.3.2.1 I.3.8.3 J.1 M.1.8 N.1.11.7 S.3.2.6 S.3.3.2 S.3.4.1–7 S.7.1.12 T.6.1.16

anticipatory finding J.1.29 S.7.2A.11

appellate review, effect on S.1.32.3

definition J.1.14

due process J.1.10

false judicial economy J.1.25 S.2.10A.2.2 S.2.10A.2.6 S.2.10A.2.13 S.7.2.35 S.7.7.2 T.4.2A.1.4

interdependent assumptions, reliance on O.2.5 S.1.32.1

mootness of panel findings A.3.12.3 C.4.33 M.3.1 M.3.3 M.3.11

standard of review (panels) (DSU 11) S.7.2.18

order of analysis distinguished J.1.26

panel’s discretionary power to determine which claims must be examined J.1.5 J.1.8 J.1.10 J.1.15–18 J.1.23 R.4.3.14 S.2.9A.3 S.2.39.8 S.7.2.3

arguments and claims distinguished J.1.24

obligation to address claims not examined J.1.10

right to examine legal issues beyond those strictly necessary for resolution of dispute J.1.3 J.1.19

panel’s discretionary power to determine which legal arguments must be examined S.7.2.3

panel’s obligation to produce basic rationale for decision P.1.1.7 P.1.1.8 P.1.1.10–11

“positive solution to dispute” requirement C.7.23 J.1.6–7 J.1.21–23 J.1.27 R.2.2.23 S.2.19.4 S.3.4.1 S.3.4.3–7 S.6.14.5 S.7.7.2

prompt compliance with DSB recommendations and rulings (DSU 21.1) J.1.27

ruling on one element of dispute rendering consideration of other elements moot A.3.64.5 G. G.3.2.1 R.2.3.8 S.2.10A.2.23 S.2.36.12–13 S.7.2.7 T.4.2A.6.2

finding of compliance with legal standard/objective assessment of the facts S.3.3.38 S.7.2.34

stand-alone claims, need for separate findings J.1.27–32

unchallenged panel finding A.3.64.3

wrongful failure to rule on claim distinguished I.0.3

judicial review (AD 13/SCM 23)

public notice and explanation of determinations (AD 12/SCM 22) A.3.53A.4

relevance to compliance with DSB recommendations and rulings (DSU 21.3) obligation A.3.53B.1–2 M.5.18

special or additional rules and procedures (DSU 1.2 and Appendix 2), AD 13/Footnote to AD 9, whether S.5.5

judicial review (domestic courts): see domestic judicial proceedings

jurisdiction: see competence (AB); competence (panels); competence (panels and AB (DSU 3.2/DSU 11)); DSU, applicability (DSU 1.1); terms of reference of panels (DSU 7)