Workshop on Transparency

The Secretariat of the World Trade Organization is organizing a special workshop on the transparency provisions of the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement), to be held in Geneva, Switzerland, on Monday, 15 October 2007 and in the morning on Tuesday, 16 October 2007.


The workshop will be followed by informal and formal meetings of the SPS Committee, lasting until Friday, 19 October. Representatives of Members, Observers and Observer Organizations are all invited to participate in the transparency workshop as well as the subsequent meetings of the Committee.

The purpose of the workshop is to enhance the implementation of transparency obligations and to identify best practices for drawing benefits from a transparent system. Given the focus of this workshop, the Secretariat encourages in particular the participation of officials from Members' SPS Enquiry Points and National Notification Authorities.


The presentations

> Presentation on SPS Information Management System
> Report of First Breakout session: English 1, English 2, French, Spanish
> Report of Second Breakout session: English 1, English 2, French, Spanish
> SPS workbook-NZ