

Latest trade trends

Factsheets based on our short-term datasets.

All short-term time series are available in the portal.

See monthly data

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Quarterly data

Merchandise Trade Value

(Last Update: July 2024 — Next Update: September 2024)

Summary of the latest figures of merchandise trade value by region; and the evolution of commodity prices by broad product group.

latest merchandise

Merchandise Trade Volume

(Last Update: July 2024 — Next Update: October 2024)

Summary of the latest figures of merchandise trade volume by region; and the evolution of commodity prices by broad product group.

latest merchandise

Trade in Commercial Services

(Last Update: July 2024 — Next Update: October 2024)

Summary of the latest figures of trade in commercial services by main sector and region.

latest services

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Monthly data

Monthly Trade Trends

(Last Update: March 2023 — Next Update: April 2023)

Summary of the latest figures of merchandise trade and trade in commercial services for selected reporting economies.

monthly trend


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